Dulux得利色彩專家公佈2024年度代表色為「Sweet Embrace™️」(色號:70RR 64/034)。雲霞粉是一種溫柔、樂觀的色調,令人聯想起羽毛和雲朵的柔軟感。它不僅是一種溫暖且實用的顏色,還是一種百搭的基礎色彩,可與許多其他色調混合使用。想知如何運用這種2024年度色彩於家居室內設計之上?以下為你介紹Sweet Embrace裝修風格以及其三組衍生色盤,讓你輕鬆找到改變家居環境氛圍的靈感。
「Sweet Embrace」(色號:70RR 64/034)的中文名是雲霞粉,可營造出現代精緻的室內設計風格,其柔和感亦讓人感到安心,單獨使用時效果絕佳,可以將色彩由牆身延伸到天花板,創造出舒適包圍感,亦可採用三種實用衍生色盤搭配其他顏色,令空間設計更與別不同。
這組衍生色盤主要是強調舒適感的溫暖大地色,除了年度顏色Sweet Embrace之外,還搭配了土耳其紅陶瓷色、髒粉色、灰色等,令空間更具吸引力。
簡約寧靜的Calm Colour Story色盤包含了年度趨勢色Sweet Embrace,還有Tranquil Dawn豆蔻青、深藍色等,是雲霞粉與其他受自然啟發的色調中的平衡,可以創造出沒有壓迫感的色彩對比。
喜悅生機色盤有趣而愉悅,與Sweet Embrace雲霞粉結合使用,可以令家居環境充滿愉悅活力,為空間注入細膩熱情感。
隨著越來越多人在家工作,可以考慮用Sweet Embrace打造家居辦公室,或作為其他色調的基礎色,在書房空間中增添溫暖柔軟感,讓你更願意花時間在你的工作空間之中。
不知道要將牆壁漆成什麼顏色嗎?可以選用2024年度代表色Sweet Embrace!雲霞粉是一種多功能的基礎色,與許多其他色調都配合得很好,非常適合打造不同效果、色彩繽紛的特色牆。
可以用An Uplifting Colour Story(喜悅生機色盤)打造睡房,它揉合了夢幻紫色和黃色調,在Sweet Embrace雲霞粉的映襯下,柔和的土黃色可以為睡房注入溫暖感。
即使是廚房這個忙碌的烹飪空間,也可以感受到平靜的氛圍。A Calm Colour Story(悠享愜意色盤)由自然的綠色和藍色組成,可以為空間帶來寧靜和流動感。兩種深綠色設定了基調,而Sweet Embrace雲霞粉則額外增添了溫暖觸感。
想用2024年度色彩「 Sweet Embrace 雲霞粉」打造理想中的療癒家居設計?歡迎使用一場設計工作室的免費前期設計咨詢服務,你可提供平面圖和預約時間,以Whatsapp方式和設計師溝通和商量設計要求。我們會用兩星期時間為你準備一份初步設計方案(包括設計平面圖, 3D圖和預算報價單等等),再約見你們匯報。
圖片只供參考用及來源自: Pinterest
Dulux, the color expert, has announced "Sweet Embrace™️" (Color Code: 70RR 64/034) as the representative color for the year 2024. Sweet Embrace is a gentle and optimistic hue that evokes a softness reminiscent of feathers and clouds. It is not only a warm and practical color but also a versatile foundational hue that can be mixed with many other shades. Want to know how to incorporate this color trend into your home interior design? Here, we present the Sweet Embrace decor style and three color palettes, providing you with inspiration to effortlessly transform the ambiance of your living space.
"Sweet Embrace" (Color Code: 70RR 64/034), can create a modern and sophisticated interior design style. Its softness also brings a sense of tranquility. When used alone, it creates an excellent effect, extending the color from the walls to the ceiling, creating a cozy enveloping feel. It can also be combined with three practical color palettes to complement other colors, making your space design stand out.
This color palette emphasizes the warm and comforting earthy tones. In addition to the Color of the Year Sweet Embrace, it also includes Turkish red ceramic, dusty pink, gray, and more, making the space more appealing.
The Calm Color Story palette features a minimalist and serene vibe, including the trending color Sweet Embrace, as well as Tranquil Dawn, deep blue, and other nature-inspired shades. It strikes a balance between Sweet Embrace and other nature-inspired tones, creating a color contrast without feeling overwhelming.
The Uplifting Color Story palette is fun and joyful. When combined with Sweet Embrace, it fills your home environment with a pleasant vitality, injecting a delicate and passionate touch into the space.