



Retail design plays an indispensable role in the retail industry, going beyond mere product display to embody the essence of a brand. Exceptional store design can enhance brand awareness, convey brand stories, and elevate customer experiences through enhanced spatial interactions. By utilizing lighting, colors, and installations, retail store design can create a unique ambiance that stimulates customers’ desire to purchase while also elevating brand value and cleverly setting itself apart from competitors. Impressive retail design not only attracts more customers but also boosts sales performance, yielding substantial returns for the brand.




The office serves as the daily workspace for employees and reflects a company’s culture and values. Superior office design provides employees with a comfortable and efficient work environment, thereby enhancing productivity and creativity. Office design should prioritize space planning, allocating work areas for different departments and employees while providing practical equipment and excellent lighting facilities. Furthermore, by carefully selecting colors and materials and incorporating brand elements, a friendly and professional office environment can be created, which aids in attracting and retaining top talent while enhancing corporate image and competitiveness.




Restaurant design offers diners a comfortable and enjoyable dining experience by creating a unique ambiance and style through spatial layout, lighting design, carefully chosen tables and chairs, and exquisite decorations. Additionally, restaurant design should consider customer comfort by providing appropriate seating and space, offering patrons enjoyment beyond the culinary experience, thereby enhancing brand image and attracting more customers. Once Design Studio meticulously studies the target customers and style of the restaurant to assist in enhancing the dining experience through interior decoration.




School interior design provides students with a high-quality learning environment while reflecting the educational philosophy and values of the school. Exceptional school interior design emphasizes functionality, comfort, and aesthetics, taking into consideration the age and needs of students. It provides appropriate classrooms, laboratories, libraries, multimedia rooms, and special STEM/STEAM spaces that encourage active learning. Well-planned traffic flow and facility arrangements facilitate smooth teaching activities, while proper lighting and comfortable seating enhance students’ concentration. The careful selection of colors, artistic decorations, and visual elements stimulates students’ creativity and curiosity, while also enhancing the school’s image and appeal.

學校室內設計可為學生提供優質的學習環境,同時體現學校的教育理念和價值觀。優秀的學校裝修設計應注重功能性、舒適性和美觀性,考慮學生的年齡和需求,提供適當的教室、實驗室、圖書館、多媒體教室,以及鼓勵學生活學活用、掌握資訊科技知識的STEM/ STEAM特別室等。合理的交通流線和設施配置可促進教學活動順利進行,適當照明、舒適座椅也可讓學生專注學習,而色彩選擇、藝術裝飾和視覺元素的應用則能激發創造力和好奇心,也能增強學校的形象和吸引力。